Personal Inquiry Blog

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Venting..or You bring the cheese and crackers, I've got the whine.

I wonder if anyone else is feeling completely beaten down and defeated by this class? I hate the lack of human contact and with so many places to post on Oncourse, we don't even have the commaradarie of a listserv in common. This is probably one of the most important classes I will take in this program and I just feel like I can't get a handle on it because there's no way I can keep up with the reading. I don't know what to really read and study, what to scan or what to ignore. I tried printing out just the material from two of the eight W's and it was already over 200 pages. One of the articles was 104 pages long! I am so frustrated and I feel completely alone in this. I try to at least skim the postings so I can find something to comment on and no one else seems to be troubled. I don't know. Maybe I'm too old to have tried this but at the same time, spending at least three hours a day on this class seems a little excessive.

I found a woman at a raptor sanctuary in Canada who agreed to an email interview and the Louisville Zoo has a Raptor Rehab Center. I'll email them to find out if they have owls. There's also a wildlike rehabilitator in Waynetown. At this stage I'm planning to focus on environmental issues involving owls and how they are rehabilitated. The last text book finally arrived in the mail yesterday so now I have MORE things to read and be behind on. OH, JOY!


At September 18, 2004 at 5:58 PM, Blogger jomfritz said...

Hi Dana,
I understand how you feel about this class! I took Annette's Technology-Rich Learning online class in the Spring and felt the same way about the lack of human contact, and the impossible amount of reading. But I ended up learning a lot.

I try not to focus on the readings - I just skim through the ones that grab my interest, and skip the ones that don't completely. I focus on the skyhoppers and coursequests. I read the assignment, often consider how to modify it to suit my own interests (Annette doesn't seem to mind!), skim back through the course material to find a few relevant readings, think about how to make my point and write my response, and that becomes the center of how I learn in this kind of course. There's no final exam, so no need to read everything!

I don't know how to fix the lack of personal contact, though - so many people in the class, I don't really get to recognize their names or connect to anything they've said before. Wonder if Annette ever considered setting up 3-or-4-person teams that could work together and get to know each other?


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